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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Global Warming A Hot Issue (for the confused)

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My Thoughts on Global Warming
by Dr Robert E McGinnis in Issues, December 28, 2010

Nit picking global warming and those that are for or against it will not solve the real problem. Small range thoughts and actions have no bearing on the situation. No one has the foresight or power to see the truth, but having admitted that, let’s look at my opinion.

This picture alone and if taken in the jungles of the Amazon would not prove or disprove global warming theories.

Obviously there are many people including journalists, scientist and some here in our own back yard who don’t understand the word GLOBAL as it relates to billions of years. This has nothing to do with the UK or NYC. We have to consider that at one time dinosaurs roamed the Antarctic and coal in large quantities, is found there today. What was the world like then? Not one hundred years ago? Or even one thousand years ago. What were the glaciers like then when that largest frozen continent was a jungle? And again one thousand years after the Antarctic dinosaurs were living there and then again at the present time. It has been proved that many parts of our world have been frozen for long periods of time. Missouri north of the Missouri River was once part of our recent ice age. So looking at day to day, year to year or even century to century weather conditions has nothing to do with Global Warming via here, there and any other place. Global Warming has gotten out of hand because of radicals on both sides. Now, lets forget about the glaciers, tundra and the UK and think about the Globe as Global over a billion or so years. Think big my friends.

Our globe as a whole cannot support the time honored temperature exchanges to the exact same ninth of a degree as it has for billions of years (only at the present because this too will change) because of the interference of pollution, radiation loss, and other large scale influences on our otherwise normal global temperature exchange system. Even if, (IF), we were to have earth shattering cold and freezing weather over the next one-hundred years and America completely froze over, on a global scale the heat exchange would still not be normal due to the factors mentioned and that includes the yak dung as some people often comment with. People like to pick out small examples of cold and say things like see – see. Oh well, what can experts like you and I do with these kind of people?

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